Soal Ujian dan Kunci Jawaban Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Nomor 20-29

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Soal Ujian dan Kunci Jawaban Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Nomor 20-29

The following text is for questions 20 to 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown Bird lived in a jungle in Papua. Mr. Brown always complained about his feathers. He thought they were ugly. He was jealous with his friend, Mr. Green Bird. "I want to have
beautiful feathers like Mr. Green Bird. His feathers are not brown like mine. They are very beautiful," said Mr. Brown Bird to his wife.

"Honey, you have to be grateful with your feathers. With feathers like these, humans are not interested in us. So, they will not hunt for us," said Mrs. Brown Bird. Mr. Brown Bird then went to the God of Jungle. "I want to have beautiful feathers like Mr. Green Bird's feathers,” said Mr. Brown Bird. "Don't worry. I can make your wish come true. Just choose one color." "Hmm I don't know. How about red? Yellow? Green? I'm confused." The God of Jungle was upset. "Choose now!" Mr. Brown Bird then looks up to the sky. He had an idea. "Aha! I know which color to choose. I don't want one color of my feathers. I want many colors. I want my feathers to be colorful like the rainbow in the sky." Not longer after that, Mr. Brown Bird's feathers were colorful.
Cendrawasih Bird

When he went home, his wife did not recognize him. "Honey, it's me. I'm your husband." "No, my husband is not like you! His feathers are brown!" said Mrs. brown Bird. Mr. Brown Bird tried very hard to convince his wife that he was really her husband. "You are very stupid, my husband. With color like these, humans will hunt for you. What if they also take our children? Now, please go away! Our lives are in danger if you are still here," said Mrs. Brown Bird. She was crying. Mr. Brown Bird was very sad. He thought he just made a very big mistake. He then left his house. His name then changed into Cendrawasih. It meant a bird of paradise.

20. Who had beautiful feathers firstly?
A. Mrs. Brown Bird.
B. Mr. Brown Bird.
C. Mrs. Green Bird.
D. Mr. Green Bird.

21. Mrs. Brown Bird did not recognize Mr. Brown Bird because he ....
A. had changed the color of his feathers.
B. did not like colorful feathers
C. did not like brown feathers.
D. had brown feathers.

22. What can you learn from reading the story above?
A. Trusting others strengthens a friendship.
B. Helping each other is a very good thing.
C. Be yourself is the best decision.
D. Boasting is a bad habit.

The following text is for questions 23 to 26.

The first time I took a ferry was when I took a ferry to cross from Butterworth to Penang Island. My family and I went to Penang for a holiday. We arrived at the Ferry Terminal just as the sun was setting. My father paid the fare at one of the toll-booths and we were brought into a lane. We had to stop behind a row of cars to wait for the arrival of the next ferry.

Presently a light yellow ferry arrived. Cars and motorcycles sped out of it. Then, the green light came for us to board. My father carefully drove the car onto the lower deck of the ferry. It was an exciting new experience for me. I noticed the words "Pulau Undan" on a wall of the ferry.

As soon as the ferry was filled with cars and motorcycles on the lower deck, it left the terminal and proceeded towards the island. I stood at the front end of the ferry and watched the water whirl and twirl as the ferry cut through it. My sister and I climbed up the stairs to the upper deck. It was filled with passengers who either sat on the seats there or loitered around the area. Soon the short ride ended. We hurried back down to the lower deck and got into our car when we saw Penang Island loom closer and closer.

Finally the ferry docked and my father followed the row of cars out of the ferry. The car bumped a bit on the uneven ramp but soon we were on Penang itself. My first experience of taking a ferry was over. (Taken from

23. “Then, the green light came for us to board” (Paragraph 2). The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
A. switch on
B. turn on
C. get on
D. sit up

24. “…and watched the water whirl and twirl as the ferry cut through it” (Paragraph 4). The underlined word refers to ….
A. the lower deck
B. the terminal
C. the water
D. the ferry

25. How was the upper deck of the ferry when the writer came there?
A. Filled with passengers.
B. Full of passengers’ luggage.
C. Full of cars and motorcycles.
D. Filled with the crews of the ferry.

26. From the text above we can conclude that the writer ….
A. had been on a ferry several times
B. was disappointed to go by ferry
C. was upset travelling by ferry
D. was happy to take a ferry

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.

Tips to improve the public speaking skill
 Make sure that you have a good appearance.
 Speak clearly, and adjust your voice so that everyone can hear you.
 Don't shout for the sake of being loud.
 It is common to speak rapidly when nervous, try to take your time speaking.
 Effectively used, a pause in your speech can be used to emphasize a point, or to allow the audience to react to a fact, anecdote or joke.
 Make an eye contact with your audience. This helps to build the trust and relationship between you and the audience.
 Do not fidget or make other nervous gestures with your hands.
 Do not keep your hands in your pockets.
 Do use hand gestures effectively.
 Be yourself; allow your own personality to shine in your speech. (Adapted from

27. “Make sure that you have a good appearance .” The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
A. look
B. shape
C. fluency
D. clarity

28. “This helps to build the trust and relationship between the speaker and the audience.” What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Try to take your time speaking.
B. Speak clearly, and adjust your voice.
C. Make eye contact with your audience.
D. Effectively used, a pause in your speech.

29. What is the tip written for?
A. To make someone speak better in public.
B. To describe how to write speech script.
C. To tell the ways to prepare a speech.
D. To give speech delivery tips.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Nomor 20 - 29

20. D = Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat He was jealous with his friend, Mr. Green Bird. "I want to have beautiful feathers like Mr. Green Bird. His feathers are not brown like mine.

21. A = Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: When he went home, his wife did not recognize him. "Honey, it's me. I'm your husband." "No, my husband is not like you! His feathers are brown!" said Mrs. brown Bird.

22. C = Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan akibat buruk dari perbuatan Mr Brown Bird dengan ingin menjadi seperti Mr Green Bird. Dari paragraf ini bisa dipetik pelajaran.

23. C = To board = Get on

24. C = Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: I stood at the front end of the ferry and watched the water whirl and twirl as the ferry cut through it.

25. A = Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: My sister and I climbed up the stairs to the upper deck. It was filled with passengers who either sat on the seats there or loitered around the area.

26. C = Jawaban diperoleh dengan menyimpulkan ungkapan penulis dari kalimat awal hingga akhir,

27. A = Appearance = look

28. C = Jawaban ditemukan pada rangkaian kalimat tersebut: Make eye contact with your audience. This helps to build trust and a relationship between the speaker and the listeners.”

29. C = Isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah tips untuk speech delivery dan disebutkan dengan jelas pada judul teks.

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