Kunci Jawaban Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Nomor 10 - 19

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Kunci Jawaban Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Nomor 10 - 19

The following text is for questions 10 to 13.

Yogyakarta, 21 November 2015
Dear Tantri,
Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a very lucky to get you as my friend. Without you, my life would have been very boring. I still remember the first day of school when we were young. You called

me and gave me a seat. That moment is not easy to forget. It is the beginning of our long friendship. You even often shared some of your food when my mother forgot to give me pocket money. You also lent me a dictionary when I forgot to bring it. It’s almost 15 years we h Now, you’re not here anymore. I woul for the ups and downs of my life.

Surabaya City
It’s time tobe a part for.You ushave totmove to Surabaya. I just want to say that you are my best friend. It is difficwantyouto leave me but I know that moving to Surabaya is very important for your future. I only hope that you will get everything that you dream of in your new city. One thing that I want to tellme.Keep inyou,touch. Sendpleasmean email and tell your activitieskethe distance the rebreak. our relationship.

It is hard for me to stay  away from

With best wishes,
Truly yours,


10. What   is   the   writer’s   intention   to   write   t 
A. To give information   aboutexperiencethe.   writer’s   past
B. To ask Tantri if she can meet the writer soon. 
C. To remind her friend to visit her. 
D. To say goodbye to her friend. 

11. The unforgettable moment with Tantri that Veny always remembers is when she .... 
A. lent her a dictionary in the English class 
B. gave her a seat on the first day of school 
C. shared  food with her 
D. gave her some money 

12. Why did the   writer     say   “thank   you”   to   her
A. Tantri was her true friend. 
B. She wants Tantry so send her an email 
C. Tantri does not live close to the writer anymore. 
D. Veny was very lucky to have a friend like Tantri. 

13. From the text we can conclude that Tantri.... 
A. has moved to Surabaya 
B. is about to move to Surabaya 
C. moved to Surabaya several months ago 
D. will move to Surabaya anytime in the future 

The following text is for questions 14 to 16.
Mr. Indra, please forward to others. As there will be a camping next month, I want all scout coaches to lead the dicussion with all the scouts related to the preparation for the next camping activity.
Remind them to bring everything they need like clothes, cooking utensils and food stuff.
Mr. Hakim and I will be responsible for the male scouts. Mrs. Susi and Ms. Dina will be with the girl scouts. In this way, the discussion will run well.
Mr. Rendy (coordinator)

14. Why is the text written for? 
A. To ask the scout coaches to lead the discussion with all the scouts. 
B. To invite the scout coaches to prepare the camping next month. 
C. To inform the students to prepare the things needed. 
D. To ask the students to go camping next month. 

15. What should be prepared by the camping participants? 
A. Appliances, clothes, food stuff and regulations for participants. 
B. Clothes, appliances, food stuff and location of the camping. 
C. Tools, clothes, food stuff, and the timetable of the camping. 
D. Clothes, camping tools, cooking utensils and food stuff. 

16. To make the discussion run well, Mr. Rendi asks.... 
A. the participants to discuss the preparation of the camping. 
B. Mr. Hakim and Mr. Indra to lead the discussion of the scouts. 
C. all coaches to be responsible for  the discussion of the scouts. 
D. the coaches to discuss the preparation of the camping activity. 

The following text for questions 17 to 19.
Someone that I admire most is my mother. She is my idol. In my opinion, my mother is not only beautiful but also kind. In addition, she is a good housewife.

Her beauty comes from her good looking physical appearance. She is average in height. Her straight, black hair is shiny. Furthermore, the color of her eyes is like honey. And her light brown skin is still very supple. She looks attractive in whatever clothes she wears.

Besides her attractive appearance, my mother is very kind. She likes to help people. For example, whenever there are sick people in our neighborhood, she will give them a visit. She often gives food and drink to the unfortunate people. She pays the school fee of some orphans in the surroundings. And something that impresses me more is   she   doesn’t to know when ever like she does other good deed. people

In addition, my mother is a good housewife. She takes care of her family well. For instance, she prepares all the healthy food for the whole family. She keeps the house clean and organized. She makes sure great mother and I love her very much.

17. The text tells us about   the   writer’s   …..
A. great experience with his mother 
B. mother’s   attractive   appearance 
C. kindness to his mother 
D. favorite person 

18. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 
A. The writer admires her mother. 
B. The   writer’s is very attractive mother. 
C. The   writer’s   mother.   has   attractive   clot 
D. The writer is impressed with her   mother’ skindness.

19. Why does the writer say that her mother is a good housewife? 
A. She helps people in need. 
B. She takes care of her family well. 
C. She prepares food for the whole family. 
D. She keeps the house clean and organized. 

Kunci Jawaban Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris

10. D Sangat jelas diuraikan pada It’s paragraf time for” (ini saatnya kita untuk berpisah). Jadi tujuan ditulisnya teks ini adalah untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal.

11. B Hal yang tak terlupakan oleh penulis adalah ketika Tantri memberikan tempat duduk   di   hari   pertama  masuk I still remember sekolah the first day of school when we were young, you called me and gave me a seat.”

12. D Veny mengucapkan terima kasih lewat surat karena teman baiknya (Tantri) sudah tidak  tinggal di   dekatnya Now,you’relagi.  notKalimh would like to thank you .....”

13. A Dari teks bisa disimpulkan bahwa Tantri sudah pindah ke Surabaya. Kalimat kunci sama dengan pembahasan no 12.

14. A Tujuan teks ini adalah bahwa Mr Rendy memberi perintah kepada para pembina pramuka untuk mendampingi siswa melakukan diskusi persiapan camping. KalimatI wantkunciallscout coaches“ to lead the dicussion with all the scouts related to a preparation for the next camping activity.”

15. D Cukup jelas di paragraf 2 “  bring...everything they need like clothes, cooking utensils and food stuff.”

16. C Cara memastikan agar diskusi berjalan lancar adalah dengan membagi tanggung jawab pendamping (responsible for ). Ada yang bertanggung jawab mendampingi male scouts, ada yang girl scouts.

17. D Teks secara keseluruhan memaparkan seseorang yang dikagumi, diidolakan oleh penulis.

18. B Pikiran utama paragraf  dua adalah The  writer’s is very attractive mother. Disebutkan dengan jelas pada kalimat pertama paragraf 2. Kalimat-kalimat lainnya merupakan penjelas bagi kalimat tersebut. Juga kalimat pertama paragraf 3 menunjukkan bahwa the   writer’s  mother Besides is her attractive appearance, ....

19. B Disebutkan dengan jelas pada kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir.

20. A Jawaban ditemukan pada kalimat: He intended to bring the hen home and cooked it for dinner.

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